Education, Enthusiasm and Experience!

Our Musical Calendar includes 35 private lessons, 3 Group Lessons and 2 Recitals. We offer a vibrant and dynamic studio to accomodate every learning style and level of learning! Please feel free to email us for more information!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Work In Progress . . .

Welcome! Here is a taping of Miss Carlie performing the "Sonatina in C Major, opus 36, no.1" by Muzio Clementi. (Well done to those of you who guessed the portrait correctly! It is Muzio Clementi!) It is a very famous piano piece and she has been working on it for a couple of months now. It is six pages long and requires good attention to counting, fingering and tonal control. Miss Carlie is doing very well in preparing this piece and I wanted to share it with you. Make sure you pause the music-widget so that you only here ONE piece at a time! :0)

Can you identify the different parts to the Sonatina? There are 3 - (Allegro, Andante, Presto?)

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