Education, Enthusiasm and Experience!

Our Musical Calendar includes 35 private lessons, 3 Group Lessons and 2 Recitals. We offer a vibrant and dynamic studio to accomodate every learning style and level of learning! Please feel free to email us for more information!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Cantos Gallery & Museum

We have a fantastic resource and facility right in our midst. The Cantos Gallery & Museum offers and abundance of resources for pianists both at the museum and online. (Check out the link to the timeline for the evolution of the piano! (To the left under the "Link" heading :0) They offer tours (both virtual online AND in person) and have a wonderful community oriented vision! Here is a quick link to their keyboard collection on their website - it is definately worth a look!

The following statement is from their website, as well:

Our Vision:
To motivate the community to embrace music and to understand its relevance in their own lives and how it affects their mind, body and spirit.

Our Mission:
Present educational and entertaining music programs targeted at diverse communities, through the preservation, presentation and use of the keyboard collection, music in general and by developing and nurturing innovative partnerships within the community.

This would be a wonderful option as a field trip ... in addition to or in lieu of the CPO. Please let me know your interest! Thank you!

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